Aloe Vera For Acne Free Skin / Acne Scars Solution With Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera For Acne Free Skin / Acne Scars Solution With Aloe Vera
Today I will let you know about aloe vera solution for acne removal, before starting the benefits of aloe vera I will ask you a question if your dressing table filled with multiple cosmetics products for acne solutions? Like the lotion, cream and other moisturizers what you use for your skin to make it acne-free and glowing. If you are using these products? This is the time to replace all these with a simple and single treatment of aloe vera.
Aloe Vera is the natural ingredient which comes with multiple significances for an herbal solution in term of multiple skin needs and problems. Before starting these recipes of Aloe Vera treatment I would like to let you know aloe vera in a single sentence “Aloe Vera is fully loaded with minerals, Vitamins & Amino acid and anti-oxidant.
Aloe vera gel is available everywhere in the market – its best to use aloe vera gel fresh extracted and if the fresh gel is not available for you, you are preferred to use the organic aloe vera gel for a solution now start with first recipe and that is simple aloe vera gel for skin, that is the popular the solution that fights against the acne and gives you the proper and glowing skin. Aloe vera has the property of antibacterial.
Method 1:
Simple Aloe Vera Gel Treatment

it’s a simple treatment – take some aloe vera gel and apply it on acne skin, you may find step by step details of this method.
Step 1:
Extract aloe vera gel from the leaf
Step 2:
Take cotton swap and pour into aloe vera gel & apply on acne spot (skin area)
Step 3:
Keep it stay on the skin from 15 to 20 minutes
Step 4:
Wash it from Luke form water
Note: Guys, repeat this treatment on daily basis until all acne spots will vanish.

Method 2:
Aloe Vera Gel & Tea Tree Oil
Sure there is no other ingredient accept aloe vera that supports you to make your skin more gorgeous and glowing. In this recipe what we will do we will add some aloe vera gel and tea tree oil together then we will apply this material for our acne skin to reveal it.
Before starting our this treatment method I would like to let you know some about Tea Tree Oil – it has quality and having properties of the potent ingredients.
Note down what ingredients we need to apply this treatment method.
For this treatment, we need 2 ingredients
1 – Aloe Vera Gel – 2 Teaspoons
2 – Tea Tree Oil – 1 or 2 Drops
Now what you have to do, it’s a simple treatment – follow the steps.
Step 1:
Take 2 Teaspoons of Fresh Aloe Vera Gel in Bowl
Step 2:
Pour 1 or 2 drops of Tea Tree (Essential) Oil
Step 3:
Mix both ingredients well and make a paste with mixing brush
Step 4:
Apply this paste to your affected skin (acne spots)
Step 5:
Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes on acne spots
Step 6:
Wash it off with warm water and let your skin dry

Note: Apply this recipe on your skin once a week until you will heal up your skin.
if do you need more or less material for treatment for yourself kindly increase or decrease the quantity of each ingredient equally for each ingredient.

Method 3:
Aloe Vera Oil With Fresh Lemon Juice
Lemon Juice is another rehabilitation for skin cleaning and scrubbing, lemon juice clear skin from different types of bacteria. If we use aloe vera gel and fresh lemon juice together it will help us out to make our skin more clear and acne-free as earliest what you don’t even think.
Attention: might your skin is so sensitive, so before applying the treatment do the patch test before applying the recipe.     
So now what you have to do? Note down what ingredients you need for this treatment:

For this treatment method, we need Two ingredients
1 – Aloe Vera Gel – 2 Tablespoon
2 – Fresh Lemon Juice – ¼ Teaspoon

Again it’s a simple treatment method, follow the steps:
Step 1:
Put 1 or 2 tablespoons of the aloe vera gel in the bowl
Step 2:
Put ¼ teaspoon of fresh lemon juice in it
Make a Mixture of both ingredient and mix well to have a smooth paste
Take a cotton stick and apply it on the acne
keep it on the affected skin for 10 to 15 minutes and later rinse it off with the cold water
Wait for some time to have your skin dry and then apply some moisturizer on your skin

Repeat this recipe every night before going to bed, until you find your acne scars going reduce and you are having good and attractive skin.
If you need more or less paste for you acne skin, kindly increase or decrease accordingly but don’t change the ration of each ingredient.


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